
Employee Engagement

Upgrade your culture and performance by developing impactful leaders

High turnover is a heavy drag on your operation

3 out of 4
people who quit their job, actually quit their boss
of new hires find jobs through peer endorsements
of new hires choose to stay at their job based on the atmosphere
experienced manufacturing managers

We've seen all of your business's roadblocks before:

Widening skills gaps
Inexperienced managers burning out
Communication blackouts
Broken feedback loops
No map for the future

Create a workplace environment teams look forward to being a part of. Do this well, and employees will stay.


Shift Gears with Extraordinary Leadership

We do more than train leaders or measure employee satisfaction. Think of VEREO as your hands-on pit crew. We’re in the trenches with you, dedicated to double and triple employee engagement.

Partner with VEREO and we’ll help you create

A high-trust culture
Happy, committed teams
Higher discretionary effort (without the burnout)
Employees hooked on the company's vision
Magnetism for top industry talent that sticks around

Our Training Toolbox

Employee Engagement
Crucial Conversations
Emerging Leaders
Optimizing Leader Performance
Training Within Industry
Single Point Accountability
manufacturing leadership training
Training Spotlight

Crucial Conversations

Tough conversations are inevitable in any work environment. However, you can go into every one with a clear plan and confidence. Our PACE Method tosses the outdated leadership playbook and establishes the most peaceful and effective ways to have pivotal conversations.

Fuel Your Leadership Engine
Culture carries weight

Winning isn't just about the bottom line. Trust, satisfaction, and engagement are the nitro you need to accelerate towards your company’s vision.

Partner with our leadership experts, refine your people processes, keep your talent, and build a workplace they'll brag about.